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Website: dinger.asia

Dinger enables businesses to accept digital payment with or without technical resources. Financial statements, transaction settlement, and the payment acceptance will be under your control with one bank or e-wallet if you connect with Dinger. Our major objectives are (1) to provide a simple digital payment process for merchants and their users/customers (2) To foster the growth of the partnership by providing a wide range of financial services for the merchants and (3) to help merchants in managing the sales and transaction in one dashboard while improving their productivity.

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What to do if the site DINGER.ASIA is unavailable?

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Antivirus and firewall. Check that anti-virus programs (McAfee, Kaspersky Antivirus or an analogue) or a firewall installed on your computer do not block access to DINGER.ASIA.

DNS cache.
Clear the DNS cache on your computer and try to access the site again.
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VPN and alternative DNS services.
VPN: for example, NordVPN;
Alternative DNS: OpenDNS or Google Public DNS.

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Possibly, redirect from different versions is configured incorrectly on dinger.asia. In this case, use the links below:

http://dinger.asia    https://dinger.asia    http://www.dinger.asia    https://www.dinger.asia

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