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my aura color quiz      339 days ago  # 28 June 2023 + 0 -

True Colors is a personality profiling system created by Don Lowry in 1978. It was originally created to categorize at risk youth into four basic learning styles using the colors blue, orange, gold and green to identify the strengths and challenges of these core personality types.

According to this personality temperament theory, which is a refined version of the popular Myers–Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI), everyone's personality consists of a combination of all four colors, with the dominant two colors representing the core of a person's personality temperament.

In general, green personality types are independent thinkers, gold personality types are pragmatic planners, orange personality types are very action-oriented, and blue personality types are very people-oriented.

The idea behind True Colors is that it does not pigeonhole people into one personality type over another with the understanding that one's personality might make adjustments based on his or her environment or associations.

True Colors is a way to understand the behaviors and motivations of others relative to our own personalities to help mitigate potential conflict by learning to recognize personality differences and characteristics.
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npi number finder      339 days ago  # 28 June 2023 + 0 -
NPI Number Registry

NPI Number Lookup is the premier NPI database in the country with up-to-date information from the latest National Provider Identifier (NPI) records. Launched in 2007, NPI Number Lookup is used by millions of people each year for information on Doctors & Physicians and Groups & Organizations. Our information is provided the National NPI Registry and continually updated for accuracy of information.

Our NPI Database can be used to search the NPI number registry to find information about healthcare providers that includes Organization name, doctor name, Taxonomy Code, Specialization, Address, City, State, and Zip Code. The results will include details for all matching providers matching your search criteria.
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td bank routing number      339 days ago  # 28 June 2023 + 0 -
Routing Number

The ABA RTN appears in two forms on a standard check – the fraction form and the MICR (magnetic ink character recognition) form.[1] Both forms give essentially the same information, though there are slight differences.

The MICR forms are the main form – it is printed in magnetic ink, and is machine-readable; it appears at the bottom left of a check, and consists of nine digits.

The fraction form was used for manual processing before the invention of the MICR line, and still serves as a backup in check processing should the MICR line become illegible or torn; it generally appears in the upper right part of a check near the date.

The MICR number is of the form

where XXXX is Federal Reserve Routing Symbol, YYYY is ABA Institution Identifier, and C is the Check Digit, while the fraction is of the form:

where PP is a 1 or 2 digit Prefix, no longer used in processing, but still printed, representing the bank's check processing center location, with 1 through 49 for processing centers located in a major city, and 50 through 99 representing processing is done at a non-major city in a particular state. Sometimes a branch number or the account number are printed below the fraction form; branch number is not used in processing, while the account number is listed in MICR form at the bottom. Further, the Federal Reserve Routing Symbol and ABA Institution Identifier may have fewer than 4 digits in the fraction form. The essential data, shared by both forms, is the Federal Reserve Routing Symbol (XXXX), and the ABA Institution Identifier (YYYY), and these are usually the same in both the fraction form and the MICR, with only the order and format switched (and left-padded with 0s to ensure that they are 4 digits long).
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