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Guest      792 days ago  # 1 April 2022 + 0 -

Don't fall into their trap. I never tried Lyft before. I received a promo code to get 50 percent off of first 5 ride. I thought I give them a try since I was going out of town and needed a ride to the airport. Wasn't a bad ride other than price was 25% higher and they did not apply my 50 percent off. A week later when I came back I asked for a ride from airport to my house. A NIGHTMARE. After over an hour waiting with 2 luggage outside the airport and feeling unsafe t
the map showed 12 minutes till my car arrives and then 7 minutes and then stopped for 15 minutes. I kept sending text messages and made calls to the driver and no answer. Finally I was exhausted and asked for another ride which indicated 15 minutes but showed up after 30 minutes on another spot a few hundred yards away. I dragged my luggage and sure this was my ride. The driver had windows up and no mask contrary to the Lyft policy. I tried to stay quiet but the driver wanted to talk and kept asking questions. Again the ride was 20 percent higher than the quote and no 50 percent discount. Next day, with lots of efforts could not find any contact telephone number for Lyft. The only number listed has a voice messaging system that refers you to communicate via chat. Sure made my complaint but I found out they charged me twice for one difficult ride I took from the airport. The driver that never showed up insisted that he picked me up and took me to my destination. Therefore they charged my credit card for that and my actual ride after 1.5 hours waiting. How can I take two rides at the same time? What about my 50% off? Sorry, you are right but we believe our driver therefore we give you partial credit and we don't give you 50% off since we do not locate that promo. Then I sent them screen shot for the promo and they replied that is too late to apply now so they give me a $10 coupon for future use. Thanks. I don't need your handout and don't want to be a victim of your criminal behavior. Enough for me. Next time I take a taxi or a bus or even walk if I can but won't use Lyft. For those who say nothing like this happend to them. Good luck it is just the matter of time.
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Nevyn Arts      810 days ago  # 14 March 2022 + 0 -

I'm trying to sign up as a driver and after I submit my name the website gives me the following error: Error submitting form: Sorry, this code is invalid or has expired.
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David Michael Freeman      869 days ago  # 14 Jan 2022 + 0 -

I'm a driver and Lyft rider app says no connection and freezes other cars in Hartford CT. As a driver it won't connect me to riders for like an hour. I wonder if the coming weather is messing with the app and navagation
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