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As a Psychotherapy services provider in Brooklyn NY, we can assist you to get relief from anxiety, trauma and depression....

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Guest      82 days ago  # 11 March 2024 + 0 -

After more than a dozen years of cognitive behavioural therapy (CBT) with a few different therapists, some of the sessions were beneficial, but in the end, I decided to taper down and quit because I felt that I couldn't move any farther than a certain point. After a period of two years, I felt the need to give it another shot. I discovered Resilient Minds through a friend's recommendation, and I was partnered with Christina. My impression is that I have covered more territory in the past few months than I have in the previous ten years combined. This may be an exaggerated statement, but it is true that it has been an inspiring experience. Even discussing the most little personal matters has been "fun" at times. We are overjoyed to have discovered this.
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Guest      88 days ago  # 5 March 2024 + 1 -

For me, Resilient Mind has been an absolute game-changer. Upon entering, I was immediately struck with a sense of comfort, as if I had discovered a sanctuary where I could be myself without fear of criticism. The aspect that I value the most is how they foster an environment conducive to candid discussions without causing discomfort. Determining one's own approach is more important than relying on solutions found in textbooks.
My interaction with my therapist was akin to conversing with a close acquaintance who possessed an arsenal of strategies for navigating the unexpected challenges that arise in life. That is something I appreciate because it is practical and honest. The atmosphere is exceptionally amicable and empathetic. They recognize that life can be complicated at times and are not interested in making you feel terrible about it. Its purpose is to assist you in determining how to approach the problem in a manner that is personally comprehensible.
Therefore, Resilient Mind is the location to be if you're looking for a place where you can unwind, figure things out, and not feel like you're in a medical clinic. They have provided me with dependable support, and I believe they could be precisely what you're seeking as well.
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Guest      88 days ago  # 5 March 2024 + 0 -

I was really looking for a therapist who didn’t just have clinical skills, but also actually cared about my well-being. I truly felt at home at resilient mind. Everyone at resilient mind is a pleasure to speak to. The staff is very caring, organized, and empathetic. They matched me with my therapist over a year ago and it was the perfect fit. Really helped me level up in so many areas of life!!
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