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Bailey      1561 days ago  # 5 March 2020 + -1 -

World of Warcraft website is not working for me on Linux As it turns out, if you have a paid version of WoW installed on your PC and have been going online for a while (30 days), the game no longer works for you. As a result, Blizzard has made it official: they won't pay you money to play the game, as they don't want to have to ensure that people can actually afford the games. They have already offered you a $10 credit to redeem on your account for a month, so why not just un-install the game and restart it and get it working? Please share your thoughts about this. Maybe you even have some suggestions or solutions.
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Bart      1562 days ago  # 4 March 2020 + 1 -

World of Warcraft website is not working for me... I've gotten messages from my characters on this website. When I try to log into my World of Warcraft account on the Online website, I see the following error message: The following error occured while attempting to log into your World of Warcraft account: " The following error occurred while trying to log into your World of Warcraft account." Whenever I try to login, I get an error message telling me that my account was disabled: This account has been disabled because of spam or rule violations. How do I enable my account? Please help as soon as possible.
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Benjamin      1567 days ago  # 29 Feb 2020 + 0 -

I spent my last hour trying to fix my main character's pet. That was the first time I'd ever played through the World of Warcraft expansion: Warlords of Draenor, and I was completely lost.

I was playing World of Warcraft on an iPad Mini, and we didn't have good Wi-Fi at the hotel. I ended up having to go to bed early, which I didn't really like because it meant I didn't get to play video games for as long as I normally would have.
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Rob      1567 days ago  # 29 Feb 2020 + -1 -

Here is why WOW not working for me.Here's the solution, although you probably won't be able to use it.Here's what the solution does:1. Reboot your device.2. Go to settings and uncheck your launcher.3. Go to settings > developer options and uncheck bpc.4. Go to settings > applications > uncheck "Use system apps to launch."5. Re-sync.That's it. Probably won't solve your problem for you, but that's the best I can do right now.5. Don't really know if it's an issue for everyone else.I'm going to try and get some data on this issue. So if anyone is willing to help out in trying to figure this out please
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Rob      1567 days ago  # 29 Feb 2020 + 1 -

World of warcraft not working for me. theyre closed. You can switch your character to a different one. in order to do this, type in /wowinfo 106827:Help forum is full of high demand.this is a temporary ban, it will not effect your account beyond this time, and your access to the board will be restricted indefinitely if you are punished for engaging in any activity not expressly permitted by this forum, including but not limited to post(s) and/or replies to posts(s) made on this forum. if this message fails to satisfy you, you will be advised to uninstall and delete this product, and your account, in your /system/app/ games and play region may be affected.
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