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Website: Lookmovie.ag

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Is Lookmovie.ag down today July, 2024?

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 Lookmovie.ag status: NO ISSUES  26 comments

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n      114 days ago  # 4 April 2024 + -1 -

won’t let me change season or episode at all
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Tess      133 days ago  # 15 March 2024 + 5 -

Being blocked by my internet all of a sudden
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brenda      133 days ago  # 15 March 2024 + 3 -

something about my internet service not allowing it
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h      166 days ago  # 11 Feb 2024 + 0 -

dont load movies in on 000 min and movis is 000 mijn
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h      184 days ago  # 25 Jan 2024 + 0 -

Down in ch
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Bob      253 days ago  # + 0 -

Down in New Zealand now
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Rob      282 days ago  # + 0 -

Down in UK for 3 days
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Sirius      283 days ago  # + 1 -

Gutted its gone down. Fantastic website. I do hope it returns.
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Miss S      326 days ago  # + 1 -

out in Chicago as well - I dislike Netflix and have been spoiled with look movie
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Oshkosh      376 days ago  # + 1 -

Mines out now
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J      385 days ago  # + 0 -

same here, mine just stopped out of nowhere, was working fine yesterday (july 6th 2023)
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g      386 days ago  # + 1 -

down here, says "502 Bad Gateway"
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annoyed      386 days ago  # + 0 -

not working here in US today July 6.
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Croatia      386 days ago  # + 0 -

Not working here either
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Caribbean      386 days ago  # + 0 -

its not working in the caribean
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East coast      386 days ago  # + 5 -

Not working east coast USA july 6th
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Paris      387 days ago  # + 0 -

It was working fine yesterday (July 5th, 2023), but now it keeps loading...
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Beth      387 days ago  # + 2 -

<<Stopped working on my Chromebook.>>
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Guest      433 days ago  # + 1 -

Are we having issues.? UK
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Guest      433 days ago  # + 0 -

Not working today may 20 in New York.
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Guest      437 days ago  # + 0 -

It seems to be down today, May the 17th. In France
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Isaiah      472 days ago  # + 0 -

Not working at all
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Robert Simmons      472 days ago  # + 3 -

Nothing Works Now.
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Jack Hoff      472 days ago  # + 2 -

Same here I thought it was my internet
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WesternOK      472 days ago  # + 6 -

None of the movies play today. Showing a media blocker message
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Misty      495 days ago  # + 5 -

I've been watching look for a few months, just today march 23 having issues
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