Cssprofile.collegeboard.org Current Status

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Website: cssprofile.collegeboard.org

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 Cssprofile.collegeboard.org status: NO ISSUES  35 comments

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Guest      175 days ago  # 3 Feb 2024 + 3 -

Just kicks me back to the collegeboard home page after trying to log in
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Guest      175 days ago  # 3 Feb 2024 + 0 -

Won't let me sign in half the time.
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Guest      196 days ago  # 13 Jan 2024 + 12 -

css profile not loading, redirectig back to home page after signing in
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George      583 days ago  # 23 December 2022 + 0 -
Can not remove a college from the list

Can not remove a not submitted college from the list. "Remove" button not working. Therefore can not send to other all the other colleges, that you WISH to send, because it will charge you for a college you can not remove!
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im stressed fr..      606 days ago  # 29 November 2022 + 0 -

it's not working for me ugh
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Literally just trying to get college stuff done      606 days ago  # + 0 -

Can't login. Why does it have to be this way?
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Guest      606 days ago  # + 0 -

This site just genuinely sucks.
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no.      635 days ago  # + 2 -

this shit wont load
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Guest      635 days ago  # + 0 -

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Frustrated      635 days ago  # + 0 -

Still not working. What happens when we all miss the deadline of Nov 1?? College Board/CSS is radio silent and not responding to anything! This is BS and not worth wasting our time. Can't be any more frustrated.
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Another Frustrated Mom      636 days ago  # + 0 -

Have been trying to work on CSS profiled all weekend. If we can log in at all, the site won't progress. 504 gateway timeouts, server errors, spinning processing circles take 10 minutes to process if we are lucky--more often we just get hung up and nothing happens. And they have the gall to ask us to pay for this "service". The schools that utilize the CSS need to demand better from the College Board or find an alternative.
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Frustrated mom of a senior....      636 days ago  # + 0 -

OMG - I have been at this since 2PM - and I have had to resign into the applications 12 times. It's terrible... takes several minutes to 'submit and save' to go onto the next set of questions. Not efficient.
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Frustrated mom      636 days ago  # + 1 -

Frustrating! Frustrating! Frustrating! Frustrating! Frustrating! Frustrating! Frustrating! Frustrating! Frustrating! Frustrating! Frustrating! Frustrating! Frustrating! Frustrating! Frustrating! Frustrating! Frustrating! Frustrating! Frustrating! Frustrating! Frustrating! Frustrating! Frustrating! Frustrating! Frustrating! Frustrating! Frustrating! Frustrating! Frustrating! Frustrating! Frustrating! Frustrating! Frustrating! Frustrating! Frustrating! Frustrating! Frustrating! Frustrating! Frustrating! Frustrating! Frustrating! Frustrating! Frustrating! Frustrating! Frustrating! Frustrating! Frustrating! Frustrating! Frustrating! Frustrating! Frustrating! Frustrating! Frustrating! Frustrating! Frustrating! Frustrating! Frustrating! Frustrating! Frustrating! Frustrating! Frustrating! Frustrating! Frustrating! Frustrating! Frustrating! Frustrating! Frustrating! Frustrating! Frustrating! Frustrating! Frustrating! Frustrating! Frustrating! Frustrating! Frustrating! Frustrating! Frustrating! Frustrating! Frustrating! Frustrating! Frustrating! Frustrating! Frustrating! Frustrating! Frustrating! Frustrating! Frustrating! Frustrating! Frustrating! Frustrating! Frustrating! Frustrating! Frustrating! Frustrating! Frustrating! Frustrating! Frustrating! Frustrating! Frustrating! Frustrating! Frustrating! Frustrating! Frustrating! Frustrating! Frustrating! Frustrating! Frustrating! Frustrating! Frustrating! Frustrating! Frustrating! Frustrating! Frustrating! Frustrating! Frustrating! Frustrating! Frustrating! Frustrating! Frustrating! Frustrating! Frustrating! Frustrating! Frustrating! Frustrating! Frustrating! Frustrating! Frustrating! Frustrating! Frustrating! Frustrating! Frustrating! Frustrating! Frustrating! Frustrating! Frustrating! Frustrating! Frustrating! Frustrating! Frustrating! Frustrating! Frustrating! Frustrating! Frustrating! Frustrating! Frustrating! Frustrating! Frustrating! Frustrating! Frustrating! Frustrating! Frustrating! Frustrating! Frustrating! Frustrating! Frustrating! Frustrating! Frustrating! Frustrating! Frustrating! Frustrating! Frustrating! Frustrating! Frustrating! Frustrating! Frustrating! Frustrating! Frustrating! Frustrating! Frustrating! Frustrating! Frustrating! Frustrating! Frustrating! Frustrating! Frustrating! Frustrating! Frustrating! Frustrating! Frustrating! Frustrating! Frustrating! Frustrating! Frustrating! Frustrating! Frustrating! Frustrating! Frustrating! Frustrating! Frustrating!
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Guest      636 days ago  # + 0 -

Their server sucks! They have this problem every year when the deadlines are approaching and they're so foolish by not upgrading their servers.
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Mom      636 days ago  # + 0 -

Nothing works. Won’t go,pract he select college screen. Have logged in and out, cleared history. Site does not work WTF
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Mom of HS Senior      636 days ago  # + 0 -

Unbelievably frustrating that it takes days and hours on end to complete this damn form. You should be anticipating heavy website traffic on the days leading up to the deadline to submit. CSS should spend the money and buy software to prevent this from happening!
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AmRo      636 days ago  # + 0 -

Have been trying all day to complete the CSS profile, to no avail. Quite frankly, I'm not surprised. The College Board is a soul sucking, evil evil entity. Their ONLY purpose is marketing and data mining - everything else is cover. The fact that they can't maintain a server with the ability to handle increased site traffic in October of every year is ridiculous. You can read these complaints year after year after year. They simply don't care.
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Dad      636 days ago  # + 0 -

@Mom, yes it is an S show...constant logging out and re-entering of information. :-(
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Mom      637 days ago  # + 0 -

Error message 504 gateway times-out.
Is the cssprofile server down? Pages stuck in “processing” then we get the error message.
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me      637 days ago  # + 0 -

its torture. I needed to just change one check box before I submit and I have to go through the entire tax/income part over and over and the server is not responding.
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Dad      637 days ago  # + 0 -

the constant logging out and logging back in to redo steps I already completed is BRUTAL!!!!
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Dad      637 days ago  # + 0 -

Mahalo @Tired! Amazing that we have to do it but it has to be done. :-)
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Tired      637 days ago  # + 0 -

Dad: continuously log out and log back in when you get the spinning circle of death. It’s the only way to ge through the application.
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Dad      637 days ago  # + 0 -

Same here...my app has been "processing" for over 10 minutes ... this is frustrating
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WTF      637 days ago  # + 0 -

Literally have to log out and log back in every 30 seconds. What a crock.
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TD      637 days ago  # + 0 -

The admin suggestion go clear local cache or try http vs https vs www are all nonsense. Not sure if the admin knows anything about IT. It's not the local issue or the http protocol (it should auto redirect), the issue is on the app or its servers - is that clear?
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XYZ      637 days ago  # + 0 -

The IT staff behind this CSS app should be all fired. Very frustrated.
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TD      637 days ago  # + 0 -

save and continue not working. Unable to move through CSS application.
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AmRo      637 days ago  # + 0 -

Site won't progress through the CSS application. Page status constantly "processing."
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Guest      638 days ago  # + 0 -

The continue buttons dont work
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Bill      639 days ago  # + 0 -

Terrible process and company - freezes - not working
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Guest      640 days ago  # + 0 -

so slow it is unreal
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Heather      640 days ago  # + 0 -

Tonight I am trying to finish the CSS but every time I try to enter new information about family members, nothing happens when I click on Update. Then I try clicking Go Back, but then I just get Processing with the circle going around. It's very frustrating.
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Paul      643 days ago  # + 1 -

freezing up
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Mel      664 days ago  # + 0 -

In the Academic Information section, I select the state and type in letters of the college and search. I then select the correct college and try to continue. Nothing happens. I get a white screen with nothing in it. I have tried multiple browsers and clearing history, cookies, dns cache and even restarting my computer. This has happened yesterday and today.
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