E621.net Current Status

*Current Status is based on reports from UpdownRadar users and social media activity data

Website: e621.net

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E621.net problems for the last 24 hours

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Stoke-on-Trent, England 4
Princeton, Kentucky 2
Ottawa, Ontario 1
Tulsa, Oklahoma 1
Nashua, New Hampshire 1
Gatineau, Quebec 1
Zurich 1

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sue      17 hours ago  # 26 July 2024 + 0 -
survey issues

Currently I click on the survey and its a blank screen with a side arrow and a x and nothing else I've trued re booting phone etc but is happening with all the surveys. Not sure why?
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morphop      107 days ago  # 11 April 2024 + 6 -

When i try to access, it leads me to a tab called Failbooru with a white screen the just "Something broke" written, and a link "Return to index which doesn't work.
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Guest      234 days ago  # 6 December 2023 + 0 -

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Donald Trump      254 days ago  # 16 November 2023 + 2 -
I NEED MY YIFF NOW!!!!!!!!!!!!!

This is worse than 9/11. Nowhere else am I going to find dragons with cocks as long as their bodies rawdogging tight femboy foxes and inflating them big and round with their delicious scalie juices. This is truly hell on earth. This world is a prison.
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Barack Obama      254 days ago  # 16 November 2023 + 4 -

e621 being down is currently the top priority of the US as we speak, we are actively trying to resolve the issue.
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Guest      254 days ago  # + 2 -

I am bawling my eyes out rn
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bugtog      254 days ago  # + 2 -

hell on earth
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Eldlich      254 days ago  # + 6 -

Damn it, they're trying to stop me from ruining my NNN Streak.
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sadge      254 days ago  # + 4 -

it's still down
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What?      254 days ago  # + 0 -

It over?
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pamperedindividual      254 days ago  # + 0 -

it ain't over on my end qwq
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nononono      254 days ago  # + 1 -

it’s so over
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farts      254 days ago  # + 3 -

it over
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WhatamIdoing      254 days ago  # + 0 -

I hate myself
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omgwtf      254 days ago  # + -1 -

jfc the cringe in these comments
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Killincestfutadash      254 days ago  # + 0 -

I need my s**y Non Rainbow Dash Stuff ????????

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yiffenjoyer621      254 days ago  # + 1 -

my yiff :(
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Meh      278 days ago  # + 0 -

Can't login
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Tseug      334 days ago  # + 4 -

son of a b**** right when i was gonna burst
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Anonymous      464 days ago  # + -25 -
Comment is hidden.

Guest      501 days ago  # + 0 -

Very nice p***
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LoonaBread      501 days ago  # + 6 -

Ahhhhhhh. I need my Loona Yiff!!! I can't take it!!!
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Joe Biden      501 days ago  # + 15 -

This is hell. How can I go to sleep without my scalie bitches.
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somebody nobody      501 days ago  # + 1 -

i've been waiting for six hours and they haven't even updated to say when they think it'll be back up i feel like i'm going insane
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Yo Mama      501 days ago  # + 7 -

its down and I dont like it! I want my yiff!
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Guest      548 days ago  # + 0 -

Удобный сайт
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A furry trying to figure out whats going on      552 days ago  # + 0 -

I try clicking on photos but when i do it says updating posts then gives an error, everything else works fine but i can't click on photos
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Hitslip      581 days ago  # + 0 -

E621 Is Currently Moving Servers Hence why Its down It Will Be a While
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Ari_ Strumkatza      593 days ago  # + 0 -

I get an endless "checking for secure connection" screen. Same thing for two days now on every device.
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Guest      594 days ago  # + 1 -

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Loona Helluva      595 days ago  # + 1 -

They will fix it just gonna take abit of time but it will be up when they sorted it out
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Random fox      595 days ago  # + 2 -

I thought it was only my wifi problem for a second.
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I like yiff lol      595 days ago  # + 1 -

Prolly got DDoSed. I keep getting error 522
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some friendly furry      595 days ago  # + 8 -

i get either "rate limited" (Error: 1200), "SSL handshake failed" (Error: 525) or "Connection timed out" (Error 522)

my best guess is, that someone performs a DDoS attack on our beloved source for NSFW furry art
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Guest      595 days ago  # + 0 -

Very cool website
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Guest      595 days ago  # + 0 -

The side doesn't load anymore
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Mouse      595 days ago  # + 6 -

Website isnt working. SSL handsake failure on part of E621 host server.
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Guest      595 days ago  # + 0 -

awesome website, it's my favourite
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Guest      629 days ago  # + 0 -

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Anpn      736 days ago  # + 0 -

Yup that was the case i clicked the last link you typed and it works, thanks!
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Guest      863 days ago  # + 0 -

it make me happy
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