Eztv.re Current Status

*Current Status is based on reports from UpdownRadar users and social media activity data

Website: eztv.re

EZTV, your one stop source for all your favorite TV shows. FREE downloads! Watch more TV Series than ever. EZTV is releasing daily new episodes. SAFE!

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 Eztv.re status: NO ISSUES  90 comments

Eztv.re problems for the last 24 hours

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Admin       comment pinned    #
Possibly, redirect from different versions is configured incorrectly on eztv.re. In this case, use the links below:

http://eztv.re    https://eztv.re    http://www.eztv.re    https://www.eztv.re

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Mr Dan      136 days ago  # 13 March 2024 + 6 -
EZTV is back up as of 2024-03-13 @ 1400 GMT

EZTV and the mirror's I checked, are all back up and no longer 502'ing, noted as of about 2024-03-13 @ 1400 GMT, or earlier

Seems we're back up and running - again!
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Admin      136 days ago  # 13 March 2024 + 1 -

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Anonymous      136 days ago  # 13 March 2024 + -2 -
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Guest      136 days ago  # 12 March 2024 + 0 -

Normally it works well; but lately it's down for more than 24 hours about every 3 to 4 weeks! Since the first of 2024; numerous " Bad Gateway" problems
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Anonymous      136 days ago  # 12 March 2024 + -2 -
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Mr Dan      136 days ago  # + 9 -
Nope, I was wrong... EZTV is back down!

And the moment after I posted my last post, they dropped off again... Thus eztv.re, .to, yt, .wf, .tf, .work, eztv1.xyz, etc, all seem affected - eztv.yt/home was back up long enough for me to load the index page, but then no joy after that.

Outage seems to be a continuation of the issues noted around or before 2024-03-14 @ 1400 GMT
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Mr Dan      136 days ago  # + 8 -
EZTV is back up as of 2024-03-12 @ 1545 GMT

EZTV and the mirror's I checked, are all back up and no longer 502'ing, noted as of about 2024-03-12 @ 1545 GMT

Seems things are back up and running - and the down time was only an single incident.
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Atlas      136 days ago  # + 2 -

All mirrors are indeed down right now... Hopefully they'll be back up soon.
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Mr Dan      136 days ago  # + 13 -
EZTV and all mirrors are 502'd - 2024-03-14 @ 1400 GMT

Seems all major eztv mirrors are once again down with a 502 (as they were about a month or so back). This includes: eztv.re, .to, yt, .wf, .tf, .work, eztv1.xyz, etc...

Outage seems to have begun somewhere around or before 2024-03-14 @ 1400 GMT (0100 in Sydney, Australia)

Note: mirrors like https://eztv.space/ are functional, but these are for the Movie-Focused site or something - not the EZTV that we all know and love...
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DrBogo1337      137 days ago  # + 8 -

Zero communications since yesterday(3/11/2024)
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Anonymous      159 days ago  # + -6 -
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Anonymous      163 days ago  # + -9 -
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Guest      164 days ago  # + 0 -

Quite reliable with a very high content of quality picture movies
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Ven      170 days ago  # + 0 -

502 bad gateway today Feb8 for eztv.re, eztvx.to, eztv.ag etc even using psiphon
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Kevin      170 days ago  # + 0 -

All domains now 502. Have been available sporadically.
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Anonymous      170 days ago  # + -7 -
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Anonymous      170 days ago  # + -12 -
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Anonymous      170 days ago  # + -11 -
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Anonymous      170 days ago  # + -11 -
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Mr Dan      171 days ago  # + 28 -
EZTV is back up as of 2024-02-05 @ 1400 GMT

EZTV and the mirror's I checked, are all back up and no longer 502'ing, noted as of about 2024-02-06 @ 1400 GMT.

Seems we're back up and running - again! Let's hope it back up proper this time, and we don't spend the next week yo-yo'ing between up and down!
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lizmar      172 days ago  # + 0 -

Down in South Africa since yesterday 5/2.
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Aphrodite67      172 days ago  # + 0 -

Missing you here in the UK. 07.15 am
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Peter      172 days ago  # + 3 -

EZTV Still 502 in Perth Western Australia as of 12 Noon
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Anon      172 days ago  # + 0 -

Stil out, just checked all mirrors.
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Guest      172 days ago  # + 2 -

Still the best TV Torrent site on the net...
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Mr Dan      172 days ago  # + 26 -
EZTV and all mirrors are 502'd - 2024-02-06 @ 0200 GMT

Seems all major eztv mirrors are once again down with a 502 (as they were two days back, before coming back up for 12-18 hrs)... This includes: eztv.re, .to, yt, .wf, .tf, .work, eztv1.xyz, etc...

Outage seems to have begun somewhere around or before 2024-02-05 @ 1500 GMT
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Psilicyberman      172 days ago  # + 0 -

All mirrors report Bad Gateway with Cloudflare as of 0124 GMT
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Daddyo      172 days ago  # + 0 -

As of 2230 GMT all EZTV mirrors 502'ing!
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FGGM      172 days ago  # + 2 -

502'ing still at 4:30 pm (EST)
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SkeletonCrew Mulligan      172 days ago  # + 0 -

Pinned comment by Admin needs to update their mirror links.
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Guest      172 days ago  # + 0 -

I get to see my shows when I want to see my shows !
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Jambo      172 days ago  # + 4 -

eztvx.to and all mirrors down as of 1:00pm EST United States
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Mr Dan      173 days ago  # + 33 -

EZTV and the mirror's I checked, are all back up and no longer 502'ing.... 2024-02-05 @ 0600 GMT
Seems we're back up and running....
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Anonymous      173 days ago  # + -17 -
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Just Rich      173 days ago  # + 1 -

Yeah no proxys work so all out at moment. Just says unable to connect
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Ray      173 days ago  # + 4 -

All EZTV sites are off 4th feb 24. PM.
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Mr Dan      174 days ago  # + 42 -
EZTV and all mirror are 502'd - 2024-02-04 @ 1200 GMT

Seems all major eztv mirrors are suddenly down with a 502 (was fine a few hours back)..
That includes: eztv.re, .to, yt, .wf, .tf, .work, eztv1.xyz, etc...

Cant even access it via https://unblockit.date/, so it looks like its an issue on eztv's side.
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fred gibs      208 days ago  # + 0 -

links to zoink.ch are not working
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The Rickaliser      236 days ago  # + 0 -
EZTV hacked

ANY alternative EZTV site now redirects to eztvx(dot)to
Which is obviously malicious (rr tracker mobiletracking ru)

Best stay away till EZTV cracks the issue
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Dr Chivagoo      237 days ago  # + 1 -

Site seams to be hacked. stay away from it. youll Find ANYTHING You’ll ned at MAGNET
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Francois      239 days ago  # + 2 -

Says that site can't be reached. Alternatives don't give the option for downloading.
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Eileen      240 days ago  # + 7 -

Down for me as is every alternative mentioned here.
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Anonymous      241 days ago  # + -8 -
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mike c      241 days ago  # + 0 -

eztv.re became available by changing to eztv.li which has just started using a new d/l method not magnet, seems suss to me
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Guest      242 days ago  # + 2 -

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Guest      242 days ago  # + 0 -

I am happy that EZTV has multiple sites that all work even if the main site is down, if eztv.re is down just use:
and you will get a backup site.
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Hd      242 days ago  # + 1 -

https://eztv.wf/ Works and is up to date .
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Guest      242 days ago  # + 0 -

Hi all,
Is the EZTV website down ?
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Sprokkel      243 days ago  # + 0 -

Try eztv.wf That one is still working
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Sisyphus      243 days ago  # + 0 -

e!! wtf with eztv? close and back in the black hall like Homo Sapiens..
F... CIA, NSSA, NSA, and all of darted
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Guest      243 days ago  # + 0 -

Its very nice site an very good an cool services
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Lalo      244 days ago  # + 0 -

"No se puede acceder a este sitio" - No carga la página en Uruguay...
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pesky krogan      245 days ago  # + 3 -

page is timing out not loading in Melbourne Australia
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MacBros      245 days ago  # + 1 -
.RE is Dead

Cant load .re. will get error:
This site can’t be reachedCheck if there is a typo in eztv.re.
If spelling is correct, try running Windows Network Diagnostics.

Tried .li as suggested by other posters and it does work. .re is dead.
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isabel      245 days ago  # + 0 -

none of the above links work
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Geri Curtis      245 days ago  # + 0 -

anyone know why site cannot be accessed? Is it permanent?
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sml      245 days ago  # + 4 -

there are no dns record's for eztv.re, as posted earlier try https://eztv.li/
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durdy      245 days ago  # + 2 -

Can't get .re to work but .li , and .ch works
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Zachary      245 days ago  # + 5 -

Down for me to, in Canada. eztv.li is up and running though, and is currently updated
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Andy      245 days ago  # + 0 -

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amgtuna      245 days ago  # + 0 -

It's been down all day today so far.
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isabel      245 days ago  # + 1 -

cannot get eztv...server down page
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JP      245 days ago  # + 18 -
Down again

It was down for a couple of weeks earlier this month. It came back (no updates on missing episodes yet) but today I cannot even access the page at all.
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Guest      265 days ago  # + 1 -

Cant access now going into 2 weeks
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Dave      268 days ago  # + 1 -

No search bar, and also no updates in over a week. Something is up.
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Guest      268 days ago  # + 2 -

I love EZTV, but it's been down for "maintenance" for almost a week.
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Chantal Waisman      269 days ago  # + 0 -

Not working. Stick on incorrect date.
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Rabbit64      271 days ago  # + 0 -

stuck on 24 Oct. Is this going to be fixed in the future or has the site been stopped permanently?
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Anonymous      273 days ago  # + -19 -
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Anncheek35@gmail.com      273 days ago  # + -1 -

I have been away for a long time but it says eztv. Is performing technical maintenance..how long please
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its me      274 days ago  # + 2 -

still down for maintainance
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Lamb      275 days ago  # + 1 -

Cloudflare notice saying the site has reached it's plan limit or somesuch (translation: pay us more)
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Henlynne      275 days ago  # + 1 -

3 days with bad gateway and error
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Bob      275 days ago  # + 2 -

This website has been temporarily rate limited

You cannot access this site because the owner has reached their plan limits.
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Guest      275 days ago  # + 0 -

has the content i like .
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Saywer R. Skrak      275 days ago  # + 0 -

26 Oct, 2023 - Gateway time-out Error code 504
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PrimeRadiant      275 days ago  # + 2 -

26 Oct, 2023 getting Bad Gateway error from eztv and several of its mirrors.
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Disturbed      275 days ago  # + 12 -

10-25-23 Afternoon EZTV.re has been down for a couple hours for me. Bad Gateway.
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Guest      275 days ago  # + 46 -

'Bad Gateway' and down for everybody for days?
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Guest      275 days ago  # + 1 -

fantastic website. ;-)
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Adrian      293 days ago  # + 1 -

eztv.ag downloads time out since 3 days. Can't download anything
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lusskat      295 days ago  # + 2 -

Downloads currently timing out, from main page download links and specific content pages
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henlynne      365 days ago  # + 4 -

the site loads but just 5 posts all day yesterday and so far 1 only for today
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Steve      365 days ago  # + 0 -

The site loads just fine, but I'm thinking there's a problem as I don't more than about 5 new posts since last night
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Geri Curtis      366 days ago  # + 0 -

EZTV have only uploaded 4 shows today, seems very unusual. Is something wrong?
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Gramma in Canada      609 days ago  # + 0 -

Today Nov 25th, 2022 Hmmm Updates just not showing the past 2-3 days.
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SARONAH      610 days ago  # + -1 -

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SARONAH      610 days ago  # + -1 -

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Gregge      610 days ago  # + 0 -

VERY few updates over the last 2-3 days
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Steve      610 days ago  # + 7 -

There have been very few updates over the last few days.
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