Sflix.to Current Status

*Current Status is based on reports from UpdownRadar users and social media activity data

Website: sflix.to

Watch over 400000 HD movies online free and HD Tv Shows, Stream latest tv shows online free.

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tisu      16 hours ago  # 26 July 2024 + 0 -

App or the website, it just keeps asking to confirm the CVV of the credit card. I've use two different logins, deleted and reentered the cards,
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Monica      48 days ago  # 9 June 2024 + 3 -

Please help sflix is not working this is my favorite site i hope soon will be working again
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grr      50 days ago  # 7 June 2024 + 0 -

movies doesn't load. it just goes back
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mike      52 days ago  # 5 June 2024 + 0 -

movies don't load
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Guest      56 days ago  # 1 June 2024 + 2 -

it doesnt open
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Guest      57 days ago  # + 0 -

It's continuously going down
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therealslimshady      92 days ago  # + 0 -

this site cant be reached
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teo      92 days ago  # + 0 -

I cannot even get in.

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L      92 days ago  # + 5 -
Please fix the issue!

Hello, I can't seem to get any of the servers up? If i click the first server it just loads and then randomly jumps to the last server at the end and wont play.
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PurpCubieee      95 days ago  # + 1 -

bro i was gonna watch my favorite movies but it kept switching server to server!
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ggggg      100 days ago  # + 1 -

Error code keeps showing up.
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Not playing      101 days ago  # + 2 -

Error Code: 232011
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skesek      103 days ago  # + 3 -

Sflix, hdtoday etc they are all down. Servers are not working. Someone asked for a site and I have this site working > uflix cc
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Rukshana      104 days ago  # + -1 -

When do u want to fix the f***ing problem with sflix it's f***ing pissing me off now f***
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Guest      104 days ago  # + 3 -

sflix is good but suddenly the servers aren't working, hoping it'll be fixed soon.
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Ruler of hell      105 days ago  # + 6 -

Is there any backup website that you people use for free? Because the upcloud server is literally killing me.
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Rukshana      105 days ago  # + 0 -

Only upcloud works and not well it keeps buffering it's frustrating I'm trying to watch my series so fix the f***ing problem
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ZloyNord      106 days ago  # + 3 -

Yesterady VidCloud worked with periodic problems. Today only UpCloud is available, yet still crushes from time to time.
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guest      106 days ago  # + 11 -

Only the UpCloud server works Vidcloud and the other servers don't work.
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Guest      111 days ago  # + 1 -

not working at all
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guest      111 days ago  # + 0 -
sflix 'site cant be reached' how to fix?

the site is down. i press link and it says 'the site can't be reached' my internets fine and it was working until yesterday (5/april/2024). will it start working again on its own? how do i fix it?
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Guest      112 days ago  # + 1 -

loading took too long , and after few seconds, it's loading again
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Guest      116 days ago  # + 7 -

None of the servers works right now.
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George Fentanyl Floyd      119 days ago  # + 0 -

Yo I doesnt know how ta start da movie It all whyte peep fault
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Jay      121 days ago  # + 1 -

Black screen, no play button, tons of buffering.
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Kezya      121 days ago  # + 0 -

Try to watch a show, and the screen just turns black; the play/pause button doesn't show up
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Guest      121 days ago  # + -1 -

the same problem as the day before yesterday, black screen with no play button.
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Guest      121 days ago  # + 2 -

the same problem as the day before yesterday: black screen with no play button.
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Rm      123 days ago  # + 3 -

Yep no play button ???? Hope it's back up soon! This is my number 1 site for watching series and movies!
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Astrea      123 days ago  # + 3 -

I tried the pinned comment links but still no progress, it's still black no play button
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B.      123 days ago  # + 6 -

Nah site is confirmed down. Not loading, black screen. And when you let it load it throws an error. It's probably a gateway issue. Plenty of other pirating sites to go around.
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L      123 days ago  # + 8 -
Please fix the issue!

The site in general works, but I can't watch my series. Theres a black screen with no play button, and the different servers don't do anything in this case.
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Ray      123 days ago  # + 1 -

hey does anyone know if it'll come back\\?
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Farhana nasir Shorna      123 days ago  # + 1 -

Video is not playing
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Guest      123 days ago  # + 5 -

it has made me happy for a while until today as i cannot open any of the videos it has...the website says that the server cannot open the video....something about rabbitstream
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SOMEONE      123 days ago  # + 1 -

The first two servers doesn't have a play button now
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Please fix So Bored      123 days ago  # + 5 -

I will be on the website fine but when i go to watch anything the play button will never show.
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MyBallsItch      123 days ago  # + 3 -

yeah, the servers might be down. gotta wait until they come back up ig
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Eva      124 days ago  # + 7 -

It says rabbitstream.net refused to connect
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problem      124 days ago  # + 2 -

trying to watch heart of stone but not working as I said
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problem      124 days ago  # + 43 -

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Guest      124 days ago  # + 21 -

Sflix is down, mine is saying that rabbitstream.net is refusing to connect if that any help
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Franklin Saint      124 days ago  # + 8 -

Yeah this is down cant play no video
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Guest      125 days ago  # + 1 -

it mad me happy because i was able to watch almost all the series and movies i could not find on other apps but noe it is not working so i am a little sad
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Bruh      126 days ago  # + 0 -

Sflix.to is down at the moment. Website is reporting error 502: Bad gateway.
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Guest      130 days ago  # + -1 -

Sflix is sucks because its have a f***ing error if i watch
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Anonymous      130 days ago  # + -3 -
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Guest      133 days ago  # + 1 -

all the movies serie,s i wanna se in one page
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Bryan      134 days ago  # + -1 -

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Aj      135 days ago  # + -1 -

Up to now there is no server to play on sflix , what happen??
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Guest      137 days ago  # + 0 -

im was happy with it it was like netflix but better but now i cant not almost even go in to the website in march 2024 i hope i can use it fully agin like before
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anon      137 days ago  # + 0 -

total black screen and no button to play at all it has been days :(
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Ari      137 days ago  # + 2 -
What's thesimp.net and why does sflix keep redirecting me there

While I was trying to search a movie to watch, the website redirects to some site called 'thepsimp.net' and then redirects me to some gambling website or something. I refreshed sflix but it's just the same. I tried to click on some movies to see if the search there would work, but it just does the same as when I try to search.
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Admin      137 days ago  # + 2 -

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Nirosh      139 days ago  # + 7 -

Redirecting to the wrong and useless web pages. Today on 10th March 2024
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NPC      139 days ago  # + 19 -

Website works but there’s no play button this been going for days now
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Jemima      139 days ago  # + 2 -

says site cant be reached and when i google the site its nowhere to be seen, have they taken it down???
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Natasha      139 days ago  # + 1 -

Each time I click the link, it says there's a typo but there isn't idk it has been doing that for some days now
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Xeno96      139 days ago  # + 5 -

I’m trying to watch a series and a movie It can’t load it
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Random      139 days ago  # + 6 -

No movies cant see the player
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Guest      139 days ago  # + 5 -

not loading
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Guest      140 days ago  # + 2 -

Great but currently I can’t watch movies i don’t know why
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Piya      140 days ago  # + 2 -

No server is working up cloud vidcloud not even voe kindly check the issue
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Guest      140 days ago  # + 4 -

Videos wont play
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Guest      140 days ago  # + 2 -

free movies, but now the videos never load just black squares
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Sam      141 days ago  # + 15 -

Sflix is not working only black screen
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Chloe Arrocena      141 days ago  # + -1 -

I can’t watch oh the website like sflix.to and f.movie, I want to watch some new movies
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Whocares      141 days ago  # + 1 -
Not working anymore

Too many forced pop ups and weird websites loading whenever i click anything actually. Now even with adblocker i can't watch anything due to said pop ups/websites. Rip sflix.. just like all my previous sites ????
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Ahtisham Nasie      141 days ago  # + 3 -

Im tryiny to watch a season but for now whole site isn't working whenever i click on episode to play my screen is become black
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Mia      142 days ago  # + 2 -

same issue as everyone else, i am now using up films.net but rip sflix, you will be missed :(
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Guest      142 days ago  # + 0 -

very happy
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John Doe      143 days ago  # + -1 -

Says This site can’t be reached and I've tried using VPN, like NordVPN but it still is not working
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Alternative      143 days ago  # + 4 -

Show says it's playing (on air) & it is not on any server.
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Jiaxoxo      143 days ago  # + 10 -
Black screen, no play button

I tried going onto sflix and I'm also experiencing the same problem as everyone else. Black screen, no play button but i’ve also found problems with other sites. Even soap2day is acting up.
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sadfsdf      143 days ago  # + 1 -

i tried every server and it's still not working
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Ahagshdjjd      143 days ago  # + 3 -

Worked fine about a week ago, now website is completely unaccessible. Says Web page is not available.
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Bri      143 days ago  # + 9 -

It's just a black screen there is no play button, fix it so I can watch my gossip girl dammit!
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fordo baggins      143 days ago  # + 1 -

does not work on mobile devices
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Guest      143 days ago  # + 0 -

works fine on windows pc, fails on android tablet for some reason...
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gg      144 days ago  # + 1 -

same black screen no play button
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Anonymous      144 days ago  # + -2 -
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GG      144 days ago  # + 7 -

Same here. The screen is black and there is no play button since Sunday that I noticed.
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Rennie      144 days ago  # + 2 -

Just like everyone else there is a black screen and no play button
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Nafisa      145 days ago  # + 4 -

Why are the servers of sflix not working?
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Ere      145 days ago  # + 1 -

My sflix is not working properly
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Movie man      145 days ago  # + 2 -
Black screen on player.

Same here , no play button on the player of every video. Just black screen on the screen of the player. Why is it down smh. 2days is wild. Been using soap2day it’s good fast low pop up. But sflix got best interface.
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E      145 days ago  # + 0 -

I has a error no matter where I try to watch it or what I'm watching
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jack meoff      145 days ago  # + 9 -

government probably shut it down so us poors cant watch stuff for free ........
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David      145 days ago  # + 0 -

Servers are not working at all. Time is 11:46am central
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Lola      146 days ago  # + 3 -

None of the servers are working it keeps saying "404 video not found"
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Pls fix      146 days ago  # + 2 -

And I have seen black screen and there’s nothing else just black screen and no play button
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Pls fix it      146 days ago  # + 0 -

Every time I want to watch it doesn’t work it is only black even I dreamed that sflix is not working pls pls I beg u to fix it and does any one know why pls pls siflx every one wants u to fix it plssss
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Friend ????      146 days ago  # + 0 -

Two weeks now and nothing has been fixed☹️
Haven't Finished my series????
Please do something about the black screen and play button
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Guest PH      146 days ago  # + 0 -

No play button just black screen
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Guest      146 days ago  # + 0 -

Free shows that actually cost money on other websites
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Guest      146 days ago  # + 0 -

It’s not working anymore
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Guest      146 days ago  # + 3 -

Same is everybody else’s. No play button just a black screen. Please help fix
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Guest      146 days ago  # + 0 -

fix the f***ing website
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Zom      146 days ago  # + 1 -

Just when i found something to cure my boredom it doesnt work same as everyone else tho, black screen and no play button.
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Jay      146 days ago  # + 9 -

Same as everyone Black screen No play when selecting movie The servers are down for some reason Please help and fix..
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THOR      147 days ago  # + 3 -

Blank screen when clicking on program to watch
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sadam hussain      147 days ago  # + 1 -

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Dori      147 days ago  # + 4 -

Only black screen, and it doesnmt show the video/play button. Ugh
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Guest      148 days ago  # + 1 -

It makes me soooooooo happy
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Guest      148 days ago  # + 2 -
Black screen

I have a problem which is that I cant watch shows on it like when i try to open i always use upcloud server when i tried to use it this time it wouldnt even show the website ad it would just show black screen before i just shutdown device and kept retrying but even after i did it wouldnt work
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Anonymus IV      148 days ago  # + 0 -

Just tons of ads and redirects but nothing is playing. 0/10
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Guest      148 days ago  # + 0 -

It's amazing ????????
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Peds      148 days ago  # + 2 -

Server not working
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stinkytoes      148 days ago  # + 0 -

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stinky toes      148 days ago  # + -1 -

i cant f***ing even watch my p***ography pls fix and i wanna watch my p***!!!!!!
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Guest      149 days ago  # + 1 -
3rd party cookies

Seems that from Chrome there is Tracking Protection enabled to block 3rd party cookies. When I disabled it, the play button appeared. A little weary to disable this. I tried it in Edge and it worked without issue (since I assume Edge doesn't have this blocking enabled by default).
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Guest      149 days ago  # + 187 -

Why is there a black screen and no play button, anybody know the fix??
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Guest      149 days ago  # + 0 -

go to https://multiple-uses.site for free tools, free movies, proxies unblocked with roblox for school, fun discord server, and all with no ads, and find cracking tools, discord tknz, g3ns, and more on our shop! (some free)!
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Anoyed guy      149 days ago  # + 46 -

Black screen no play button AGAIN...
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anonymous      153 days ago  # + 7 -

Black screen, no play button
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anonymous      153 days ago  # + 20 -

black screen...
no play button...
video not playing,
but if I go to an incognito window it does
what's happening???
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Ute      154 days ago  # + 0 -

"The site can't be reached" ??
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anonymous      154 days ago  # + 1 -

black screen...
no play button...
video not playing
what's happening???
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Londi      156 days ago  # + 2 -

When I try to play the video it says error code (102630)
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bobi      156 days ago  # + 1 -

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jhas      157 days ago  # + 0 -

its only black, i need to watch
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Rukshana      157 days ago  # + -1 -
Black screen

I can go in select what I want to watch and when I choose the sever it's a black screen it's been doing this every day now and I'm getting f***ing frustrated
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Anonymous      157 days ago  # + -2 -
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lia      159 days ago  # + 0 -

the server does not work and does not play the show
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Bethany      160 days ago  # + 0 -

Seriously Sflix get your website working please.
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guest      160 days ago  # + 2 -

servers down
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Guest      162 days ago  # + 4 -

Ones the issue everyone is experiencing here is fixed, I'll come back and give it a 5 :)
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Korasaro      162 days ago  # + 7 -
Black screen, Server stops working

Every midnight the server player's isn't working, it's just black screen, I tried reset my phone, clear catches, twick some settings in Chrome, even changing network, nothing happens, as much as I love Sflix even with constant adds and redirect, this one is the worst, pls fix this asap ;_;
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guest      162 days ago  # + 22 -

play button is missing and it wont play anything its just a black screen
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j      163 days ago  # + 2 -

keeps random jumping servers wont play
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Guest      164 days ago  # + 0 -

Ads all over the place, opens other apps everytime you click, takes too long to respond.
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Anonymous      164 days ago  # + -8 -
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Homer      164 days ago  # + 0 -

Now that i was going to watch The Traitors, the play button is missing, the player doesnt work.
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Bethany      165 days ago  # + 7 -

Keeps redirecting servers and nothing plays.
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bl34      166 days ago  # + 2 -

the website opens but it wont play the movie no matter how many times you change the server
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Guest      166 days ago  # + 0 -

I really love Sflix because I can watch my shows for free, especially with how so many things are starting to get expensive!! While the website may have its downsides such as a lot of ads or website crashing at times, its super convenient and very useful and would definitely recommend it for a friend <3
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Skrybe      166 days ago  # + 21 -

play button is missing all of a sudden
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chimi      166 days ago  # + 20 -
fix this asap pls!!

I really want to watch my shows but every server is not working!! they give me a black screen or there's nothing that's ready to be played. its so frustrating, please fix this asap!!
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guest 3663      166 days ago  # + 1 -

me too
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guest      167 days ago  # + 15 -

the servers keep changing on their own and cannot play anything
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Anonymous      190 days ago  # + 6 -
~Not Working~

I was so looking forward to finishing my series but the website has been down now for quite a while and I'm wondering when the problem will be fixed and when the website will be up and running as at the moment it keeps turning into a screen with clickable links that lead to nothing.
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Guest      191 days ago  # + 0 -

I was able to watch all movies and shows I was never able to see it was amazing
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Angry person      201 days ago  # + 3 -

I'm sorry, the links you listed above arent working :(
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Angry person      201 days ago  # + 2 -
Not working

It keeps turning into a screen with clickable links that lead to nothing. Its just different geners. Please help, I really need to watch my tv show im on my last straw and the second to last episode.
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Guest      201 days ago  # + 0 -

i cant adjust the subtitles to english
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Dan      229 days ago  # + 2 -

Bro its keep loading man , sflix wont open up i needd to watch harry pottr last movie , even though its the 100 th time watching
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meat saber      229 days ago  # + 1 -

still not working
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Anonymous      229 days ago  # + -5 -
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adi      229 days ago  # + 1 -

when can we expect it to be working again??
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shadowboxer      229 days ago  # + 1 -

fix it :(
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Guest      229 days ago  # + 0 -

Veryyy unhappy
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Anonymous      229 days ago  # + -2 -
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TSS      229 days ago  # + 11 -

are there any alternative websites for movies/shows that are still working? i've tried 20+ sites but they are all down atm
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FIX IT      229 days ago  # + 2 -

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letmefinishmyshow      229 days ago  # + 1 -

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Guest      229 days ago  # + 0 -

Thanks guy's
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Anonymous      229 days ago  # + -5 -
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Sarah      229 days ago  # + 3 -

When I search up the website, it doesn’t load
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Dd      229 days ago  # + 0 -

When it will be fixed cuz I’ve been having this issue since yesterday!!????‍♂️
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kyle      229 days ago  # + 0 -
fix server pls

Well i watch watchin a series and i have it on auto play next and it happened last night so i just skipped to the other episode and its done it again so i decided to try and reload up sflix but now it wont allow me onto the site it just comes up with like error and now ive just checked and its working again!
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Soul      229 days ago  # + 1 -
Fix server plz

website will load and show titles although its running extra slow but when i try and pick the show im watching it ends up loading until it shows an error code or cloudfare message
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Flix Guy      229 days ago  # + 1 -

The site is up but nothing loads
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A.      229 days ago  # + 3 -

Getting to the front page works, but I'm unable to to actually watch anything.
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Tippi      229 days ago  # + 2 -

The site might be up, but there's no way you can watch anything in there
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Prästjävel      229 days ago  # + 4 -

Doesnt work fix plx.
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Tre      229 days ago  # + 1 -

The server is so down pls fix it
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werteqwr      229 days ago  # + -1 -


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Guest      230 days ago  # + -1 -

Not all movies or seasons of TV series have English subtitles. I'm learning English and subtitles help me better understand speech when it's spoken too quickly or unclearly
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Nero      230 days ago  # + 2 -

https://aniwave.vc/home use this it is little bit slow but it work same!
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Guest      230 days ago  # + 0 -

movies of course
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f*** the devs      230 days ago  # + 2 -

the movies/series arent loading pls fix this
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Guest      230 days ago  # + 0 -

They get too slow when I reach the movie.
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Owen      230 days ago  # + 3 -

Not letting me watch anythin, page will load but no servers to choose to watch something on
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Dragunta      230 days ago  # + 3 -

12/10/23 website gives timeout error.
everything else works
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nusrat      230 days ago  # + 11 -

Sflix is not working properly since morning please fix it quickly
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Guest      230 days ago  # + 1 -

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fix this shi      230 days ago  # + 22 -

somehow i can open the site, but i can't open the series i'm watching and even if it does, it never stops loading and ends up saying error
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Sflix fix this      230 days ago  # + 3 -

Its Fcking slow bro i cant watch better call saul
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penis      230 days ago  # + 0 -

slow af
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Balls      230 days ago  # + 1 -

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guest      230 days ago  # + 26 -

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lawen hussein      254 days ago  # + 4 -

sflix good website, please fix it
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Guest      256 days ago  # + 0 -

I'm tryna watch Gilmore girls pls fix sflixxx!!!????????????,
I'm using fmovies but sometimes the videos are not full please fix sflix pleasee????????????
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Guest      256 days ago  # + 0 -

I love it it's always got good stuff but for some reason when I press it now it's not working it says rabbit stream .net refused to connect I'm very upset please fix sflix!!
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orgasmtohendailbdsm      256 days ago  # + 4 -

the site is offically down
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Bobel      258 days ago  # + -1 -

I start a video and it keeps restarting by itself after 1 second
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Guest      281 days ago  # + 0 -

good website
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Guest      284 days ago  # + 2 -

Too slow and too many p*** ads
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DANIEL      287 days ago  # + -1 -

I was watching a movie then it stopped so I refreshed it click play it again but it didn't work
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Guest      287 days ago  # + 2 -

Sometimes my videos just won’t load for me to press play is super frustrating especially when I get really into a show
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o      305 days ago  # + 1 -

not letting me search for anything
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Jia      307 days ago  # + 6 -

Recently when i watch a movie for the first few minutes, it runs just fine then it wont play and then the load page will take forever and on some of the movies i want to watch it wont show any servers but only shows the information of the movie. Does anyone know what to do or any other sites to watch on?
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Guest      310 days ago  # + 2 -

it make me happy by watching everything free in 4k hd quality but now after some time i reopened it and its not opening and continuosly host error:(
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bruh      310 days ago  # + 7 -

Website wont open
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hellooooo      310 days ago  # + 2 -

its not working rn
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yorkiesue      319 days ago  # + 1 -

Not opening, down
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ash      334 days ago  # + 0 -

28 August 2023, still down
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yorkiesue      343 days ago  # + 0 -

Still down, going on 3 weeks
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guest      347 days ago  # + 0 -

try watching it on chrome. it does not work on brave
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Guest      349 days ago  # + 0 -

i like the movies because its free to watch
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