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eli      3 days ago  # 24 July 2024 + 0 -

why comment section is not showing on that site anymore?? I do'nt know if its general or if it willl not show anymore for guests view??
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marie V      104 days ago  # 14 April 2024 + 0 - down in France ... censored... any other link ? thanks
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Emily Denise      134 days ago  # 15 March 2024 + 2 -
VUMOO.MX is working as an alternative

the main domain .to it seems has been taken down and it's not working anymore however there is alternative vumoo with .mx domain and it is still working, I am using it now and it also have a lot of movies and tv series there. Go to if you want an alternative
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guest      135 days ago  # 14 March 2024 + 1 -

ughhhhhhhhhh i'm going crazy without vumoo
i need it back or i need an alternative
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Guest      135 days ago  # 14 March 2024 + 0 -

often just stops or won't open
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Guest      136 days ago  # + 5 -

So apparently Vumoo has been taken down by ACE a anti-piracy group, we may not see vumoo anymore.
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Anonymous      136 days ago  # + -2 -
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pyxelmajick      136 days ago  # + 1 -

I'm hoping they are offline for the moment and trying to fix something that's broken on the site. Its my fav site to watch.
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Josh      136 days ago  # + 4 -

When I click on my link it says site can't be reached
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Jim      136 days ago  # + 0 -

Still unable to watch anything. Site loads but movies and tv series will not play. Been like this for several days.
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Admin      137 days ago  # + 0 -
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Mike      137 days ago  # + 0 -

"This site can't be reached" is all I've been getting for the past couple of days
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Guest      137 days ago  # + 0 -

It has been my go to site for watching anime and movies for free after gogoanime (currently "anitaku") and 123movies.
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Someone      137 days ago  # + 0 -

Been down for a few days now...
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Freeloader200000      137 days ago  # + 1 -

definitively down for me
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guest      137 days ago  # + 0 -

The above fixes did not work. The site provides no servers/links to videos. Just a black screen with every request...
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Guest      137 days ago  # + 0 -

The site is up but no movies or tv series will play.
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guest      137 days ago  # + 0 -

none of the links work from the admin, they all say unavailable
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Guest      137 days ago  # + 1 -

The link posted by Admin doesn't work, I'm getting "503 Service Unavailable
No server is available to handle this request."
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Guest      138 days ago  # + 0 -

I love it but not right now because it is down
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Anonymous      138 days ago  # + -3 -
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blue      138 days ago  # + 1 -
website not working

when i go to use this ocmes up:
The webpage at might be temporarily down or it may have moved permanently to a new web address.
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mimi      138 days ago  # + 0 -

message firefox nous ne parvenons pas à trouver ce site
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Kaufmann      138 days ago  # + 7 -

It's still down for many days now. I use for now and it's working
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Admin      138 days ago  # + 0 -
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B      138 days ago  # + 2 -

1st Soap, now Vumoo.
..pray for mercy
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Dayf      138 days ago  # + 1 -

DNS record is missing for the domain
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Anonymous      138 days ago  # + -3 -
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Yerp      138 days ago  # + 0 -'s not back.. Sorry.
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Anonymous      138 days ago  # + -2 -
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Anonymous      138 days ago  # + -2 -
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Yerp      138 days ago  # + 0 -

It's back
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Anonymous      138 days ago  # + -2 -
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Sad movie watcher      138 days ago  # + 3 -

I think it got taken down boys rip smallville
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Guest      138 days ago  # + -1 -

The best
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D3ViN      138 days ago  # + 2 -

I somehow knew this would happen ever since they started getting the popup ads, its like somebody hacked them and now its down
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UwUInspector      138 days ago  # + 0 -
Server not found for pc firefox but other browsers on pc and android's firefox work.

Currently unable to access the site, says Server Not Found yet when I use firefox on my android phone, firefox connects to the site. I tried microsoft edge and that works and I assume that chrome works. any idea? (all on the same router which the network and windows firewalls are correctly set up.
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Guest      138 days ago  # + 1 -

vudoo not showing arrow to play video.
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Guest      138 days ago  # + 21 -

It's BROKEN!! I can get onto the site and select movies or TV shows, but NONE of them play, all you see is a black screen, no episode lists, nothing!!!
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Denny B - Lou KY      138 days ago  # + 0 -

No servers available
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Vumoo website failure      138 days ago  # + 2 -
Vumoo website failure website failure. Nova Scotia Canada

"This site can’t be reachedCheck if there is a typo in
If spelling is correct, try running Windows Network Diagnostics."
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Guest      138 days ago  # + 0 -

You have everything. It's wonderful. But I have to go through at least ten pop ups and redirects to get the session to calm down so I can finally watch the content
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Mark      138 days ago  # + 1 -

Every selected show or movie shows only a black screen, with no link for episode selection buttons for tv episodes
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kate dragon      138 days ago  # + 2 -

every time i trie to watch something it just shows a black screen
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OK      138 days ago  # + 6 -

Is it just me? the video player isnt working on
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Pascale      139 days ago  # + 7 -

Hello, video cannot be played, cache empty.
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KC      177 days ago  # + 0 -

Failed to work
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marie      177 days ago  # + 0 -

connexion failed code error 504
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A      177 days ago  # + 1 -

All versions of Vumoo read GETHEAD
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jj      188 days ago  # + 0 -

Website intermittently up, but not working. No pages load
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Elfinbob      201 days ago  # + 3 -

For the past two days it has just displayed (Error Code: 232011) for every video I try and play.
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SK      203 days ago  # + 4 -

I have the same code. This video file cannot be played.
(Error Code: 232011)
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GerIrish      203 days ago  # + 4 -

This video file cannot be played.
(Error Code: 232011)

What is this
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JJ      210 days ago  # + 0 -

It's not working for me. Please restore.
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Guest      210 days ago  # + 0 -

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Anonymous      248 days ago  # + 1 -

Site not loading, other sites are fine. Tested different browsers and devices, none can pull vumoo up
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Bob      248 days ago  # + 2 -

Cloudfare is reporting host error.
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Guest      248 days ago  # + 0 -

Pretty good service and choice although no filters for choice.
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Guest      251 days ago  # + 0 -

It doesnt load the show and if it does it , it keeps cuttin out. I deleted cookies and cache
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guest      351 days ago  # + 4 -

Main page comes up but none of the shows will connect.
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Guest      351 days ago  # + 1 -

It says " refused to connect" IDK WHY
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Guest      406 days ago  # + 0 -

slow, always laggine
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