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Website: webmail.earthlink.net

EarthLink Web Mail

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 Webmail.earthlink.net status: NO ISSUES  19 comments

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Pam      248 days ago  # 21 November 2023 + 0 -

Cannot log in with current password and cannot create new one
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Jean Adrienne      271 days ago  # 29 October 2023 + 0 -

Got logged off my webmail and I can't get back in.
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Guest      515 days ago  # 27 Feb 2023 + 1 -

Been with Earthlink since 2002...once upon a time was excellent & great customer service...now lousy & over-priced rip off. They are lousy & horrid outsourced to foreign countries for customer service. Reps do not speak English as first language & are often very hard to understand. Earthlink has an over-paid worthless CEO.
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Guest      518 days ago  # 25 Feb 2023 + 1 -

Garbage from one second, to the next!
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Guest      518 days ago  # 25 Feb 2023 + 0 -

Not working for over a week. Issue islated to random earthlink f***ery, NOT the users. Total shit service.
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MTNYC      597 days ago  # + 1 -

Like others, late Dec 7 & early morning hours of Dec 8 2022, I cannot log into any of my 4 E-mail addresses, nor my account. Way to go Earthlink! You are pathetic with a worthless CEO. You are con artists & rip-off price gougers. Been a loyal customer since 2002. The only reason I have not dumped Earthlink is the headache & inconvenience of having to deal with changing 4 Earthlink E-mail addresses. I am so damned tired of their lies & BS. They lied when they discontinued their association with Time Warner-Spectrum in 2020 & jacked up my bill over $10 more a month. They have twice (this year) promised me as a long time loyal customer to reduce my monthly bill by $10, but have yet to do it. I'm ready to take legal action against them. They are crooks!
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Guest      597 days ago  # + 1 -

I became an Earthlink customer in 2002. Once upon a time, Earthlink was terrific with 24/7 assistance & great service. They have spiraled down to being a total rip-off price gouging company with an worthless overpaid CEO who should be booted to the curb. Their customer service is outsourced to India & Philippines with reps whose 1st language is NOT English. They underhandedly discontinued their association, internet & billing with Time Warner in fall 2020, with little to no notice by either Earthlink (mostly to blame) nor Time Warner-Spectrum. I had to have a FIOS line installed in order to continue my Earthlink service. At the same time, they jacked up my monthly bill more than an additional $10 a month. Earthlink is crooked, has lousy customer service & now this webmail issues. The only reason I have continued is the inconvenience of having to change the 4 E-mail addresses I have with Earthlink. I'm disgusted with them. Because of my complaints & being a loyal customer since 2002, they have twice told me they would reduce my monthly charge by $10. As of Dec. they are still charging me the same amount. They liars & crooks with a total ass for a CEO. They do not care about their customers, nor customers who have stuck with them for decades in spite of their BS.
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Laurie      597 days ago  # + 3 -

Earthlink Webmail will not accept my correct username and correct password so I can't get to my email.
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Kiki      597 days ago  # + 0 -

Won't let me into webmail. Mail is downloading into Thunderbird.
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VIrons      597 days ago  # + 3 -

won't accept my password. Wants me to chage it. I have tried a dozen times. Says it has been used.
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KKnickrehm      597 days ago  # + 4 -

earthlink wants me to change my password and when I try it says that the password has been used before and that is not true.
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Guest      606 days ago  # + 0 -

Minus 1, awful.
$1 except it's set up for $40+ A MONTH!?!?
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Guest      654 days ago  # + 0 -

I was told I didn’t have EarthLink to get my mail but I’ve been paying for it
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barbara arendall      758 days ago  # + 1 -

inbox is empty.. user for 25 years
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Guest      796 days ago  # + 0 -

Email is screwed up and always has been. Mail not spam, but deleted gets put into spam file regardless of setting. White listed goes into spam. Mail isn't received.
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Guest      858 days ago  # + 0 -

For the last week, email lockout for wrong password. Multiple resets required as every other day password doesn't work. Also, found a yahoo.com email address popping up in my 'Preferences/Email Forwarding' Changed pass and security question multiple times.
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Guest      858 days ago  # + 1 -

webmail out again. blocks mail not asked. doesn't block/spam as asked. doesn't delivery 20% of what is sent and blames in on spam.
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Louise Flynn      1000 days ago  # + 0 -

Earthlink won't take my login that I have used for years. FRUSTRATED!
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Ginette2@peoplepc.com      1134 days ago  # + 0 -

So complicated for someone who is not computer savvy !!
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